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Our Services

Skilled Nursing Facilities

We know how demanding and tricky CMS guidelines can be with psychotropic use in this setting. On one hand you want to take care of the psychiatric needs of your patients, and on the other, you have to worry if you’re violating the numerous CMS guidelines. From initializing Gradual Dose reduction for antipsychotics and other psychotropics, to ensuring correct indications - we know the ins and outs of psychiatric care in the SNF setting. We know exactly how you feel because we’ve helped countless SNF’s improve their patients’ psychotropic care, all while being compliant with CMS guidelines. And the best part - we never leave your side! We collaborate with your administration, medical team, and staff to ensure optimal and coordinated care, leaving nothing to fall through the cracks.

Assisted Living Facilities

We know that seniors have unique needs. Our practitioners specialize in geriatric psychiatry, meaning, they have special training in diagnosing and treating mental health disorders that can arise in older adults. These disorders include depression, anxiety, dementia and Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of dementia (BPSD), schizophrenia and more. Our goal is to improve quality of life with our patient-centered care approach, while enhancing the functionality for the geriatric patient. We coordinate care with the older adult's other healthcare professionals and family, as well as community resources.

Skilled Nursing Facilities

We know how demanding and tricky CMS guidelines can be with psychotropic use in this setting. On one hand, you want to take care of the psychiatric needs of your patients, on the other hand you have to worry if you’re violating the numerous CMS guidelines. From initializing Gradual Dose Reduction for antipsychotics and other psychotropics, to ensuring correct indications - we're experts in the ins and outs of psychiatric care in the SNF setting. We know exactly how you feel because we’ve helped countless SNFs improve their patients’ psychotropic care, all while being compliant with CMS guidelines. And the best part - we never leave your side! We collaborate with your administration, medical team, and staff to ensure optimal and coordinated care, leaving nothing to fall through the cracks.

Assisted Living Facilities

Seniors have unique needs. Our practitioners specialize in geriatric psychiatry, meaning, they have special training in diagnosing and treating mental health disorders that can arise in older adults. These disorders include depression, anxiety, dementia, Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of dementia (BPSD), schizophrenia, and more. Our goal is to improve quality of life with our patient-centered care approach, while enhancing the functionality for the geriatric patient. We coordinate care with the older adults' other healthcare professionals and family, as well as community resources.